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게시물 상세
Designated as the “Root technology specialist” for the first time in the same industry
Writer : 관리자(  Date : 13.02.25   Hit : 569

SK Brazing (CEO / Young-Sik Shin, Ph.D.) was designated on February 19, 2013 as a "Root technology specialist".

It was designated for the first time in the same industry.

As you know, the Root technology specialized company is designated as a company that possesses "core root technology" among the root industries that are the basis of the domestic industry and has high growth potential.It is a root technology specialized company with global competitiveness through technology development, funding, and human resource support. It is a business to foster. The project is designated in accordance with the Act on Promotion and Modernization of Root Industry.

SK Brazing exports brazing automation machinery and technology to more than 70 countries around the world, and is the world's leading technology holder.

Currently, SK Brazing is a technology-intensive SME that has been designated as a venture company, an INNOBIZ company, a world-class product company, and a KOTRA global brand company, and has won industrial packaging, a presidential award, and a prime minister's award in recognition of its excellence in brazing automation technology. In addition, it was recognized as the excellence of the technology in the Brazing Handbook (AWS, USA) of the global brazing industry, and was the first company to be listed as a foreign company other than an American company.


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