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Co-Air/Gas Torch : Good solution for soldering & brazing without oxygen
Writer : 관리자(  Date : 21.05.21   Hit : 314


SK Brazing makes compressed air/gas torches instead of gas/oxygen torches or gas/atmospheric air torches. It is called “Co-Air/Gas Torch”. Normal gas/atmospheric air torches are used for a soldering or a brazing restrictively because the flame is too weak, but this Co-Air/Gas  torch’s flame is used for a brazing because it is hotter than normal gas/atmospheric torch. Also, it might be a good solution for a condition without an oxygen.


Hotter flame is achieved by using both gas(1 Bar) and compressed air(1 Bar).

Main Characteristics 

Easy to braze & solder 

Can be used instead of gas-oxygen torch 

 Hot enough to braze 

Heat consistency & easy to control 

Good to use with gas saver for convenience 



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